"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world."
― John Muir
― John Muir

Chicks with Sticks
Chicks with Sticks is a Bennington, Vermont-based organization of just a few women that started out knitting hats for preemies at the local hospital. Their charitable contributions have grown to include knitting and crocheting hats, scarves, and mittens for those in need. Local folks donate the yarn used in this project. They also knit or crochet blankets for cats at the local animal shelter. These blankies go with the animal at adoption so that they have something familiar in their new environment. The group has recently decided to add making sweaters and lap blankets for seniors as well. My contribution: Knitting/Crocheting
Chicks with Sticks is a Bennington, Vermont-based organization of just a few women that started out knitting hats for preemies at the local hospital. Their charitable contributions have grown to include knitting and crocheting hats, scarves, and mittens for those in need. Local folks donate the yarn used in this project. They also knit or crochet blankets for cats at the local animal shelter. These blankies go with the animal at adoption so that they have something familiar in their new environment. The group has recently decided to add making sweaters and lap blankets for seniors as well. My contribution: Knitting/Crocheting
Doctors Without Borders
Nature Conservancy
World Wildlife Federation
Green America
Nature Conservancy
World Wildlife Federation
Green America